What do you think? Also, sorry if this particular case has already been discussed here. I can think of a few more cases that involve something similar. That changed too at some point, imagine the surprise of people when realized that not only the name of the cereal had changed, but also the name of the bird. On a side note, as you can see in the image, the mascot is called Iván el Tucán (it rhymes, of course), but I always knew him as Sam. So many people perhaps born in the 60s-80s never realized that the name was changed at some point to the original English version, and could swear that the name Fruti Lupis is far from being a myth, false memory, or mispronounciation, for it was something very real. Moreover, Fruti Lupis doesn't really mean something in Spanish but you get the idea of fruit through a catchy silly name. Then I learned that when Kellogg's introduced here FL many many years ago it was under the name of Fruti Lupis so it could make more sense to the Mexican consumers I guess (fruta in Spanish is fruit). My first hypothesis was that Fruti Lupis was just a mispronounciation or a natural phonetic adaptation of the actual name in English to Spanish (it's not rare to hear mainly older people saying "confleis" instead of Corn Flakes, for example.)
I remember feeling perplexed, I grew with the idea that the cereal was named Fruti Lupis.
Later on I noticed that the box said Froot/Fruit Loops. I was born in 1993 and through my childhood I always thought that Froot/Fruit Loops were always called "Fruti Lupis" because my mom or other adults referred as such to that cereal. Here in Mexico we have had a similar discussion, and I think it is relevant enough to this sub.